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이미 알고 계신 분은 아시겠습니다만, 국내에는 거의 소개된 사례가 없는 것 같아 올려 봅니다. 저는 지난달부터 시간 날 때 종종 방문하는데 여행을 워낙 좋아하는지라 정말 즐겁네요.
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여긴 '버추얼 리얼리티 포털' '암체어 트레블링' 이라는 표현을 하네요.
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LosAngeles.360cities.net (?)
서비스의 유래를 잘 알순 없지만 프라하의 경우 단독 도메인이 있고, 서비스 첫머리에 위치한 것으로 봐선, 처음에 프라하 도시 서비스에서 출발한 것 같습니다.
Welcome to
360cities, the World’s Virtual Reality Portal. Our goal is to show you
the most interesting places in the world from the most interesting
perspectives. Whether you are planning a trip, looking for ideas, or
simply 'armchair traveling', there is no better place for Virtual
Travel than with 360cities. From seeing the sights and landmarks, to
looking for a hotel, restaurant, or a nightlife destination, we have
what you need.
To start exploring, click one of the cities below. Be sure to check back often, as we are constantly adding new destinations!
To start exploring, click one of the cities below. Be sure to check back often, as we are constantly adding new destinations!
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